Our CNC Tuning capabilities are key to developing future customers. At our factory based in St Ives, Cambs, we have 2 x CNC Cincinati Hawks and a XYZ 425 Proturn.
With these Lathes we are able to provide both capability and capacity to many industry leaders.
In response to market demand we are continuously investing in new machines. Investing in new machines, both to expand capability and increase our capability. Our continuous investment in specialist machines enables us to develop quicker lead times and a broader scope of clientele.

Cincinati Hawk 200
- 10” Chuck
- Bar Feed
- Revolving Centre
- Set of Collets from 3mm to 52mm

Cincinati Hawk 150
- 8” Chuck
- Collets from 3mm to 40mm
- A range of soft Jaws

XYZ 425 Proturn
- 10” Chuck
- Swing over bed 480mm
- Spindle Bore 80mm
- Revolving Centre
- Distance between centres 1250mm